On May 22nd 2012 the artist-in-residence for the Belvoir Castle Estate Laury Dizengremel gave a workshop to 14 students which culminated in the installation of this kinetic artwork, the first of many planned experiences for the senses in what will soon be Croxton Kerrial Primary School’s new Sensory Garden. Following an earlier workshop enabled by the Duchess of Rutland in 2011, this was another great opportunity for the students of this small village school in Leicestershire to work with a professional artist on creating an outdoor sculpture. photo credits: Joe Caneen www.video-whisperer.com Early in 2012 the Duchess of Rutland had asked her artist-in-residence for the Belvoir Castle Estate Laury Dizengremel to undertake a new series of community engagements in the form of educational workshops and Her Grace kindly contributed a kick-start donation of £400 to the scheme. This allowed Laury to request match-funding from Melton Borough Council who then gave £300 to the project. Pictured above is "Croxton Kerrial Totem Pole" a collaborative sculpture installation by Laury Dizengremel and 14 pupils from Croxton Kerrial Primary School assisted by one of their teachers, made possible by that kick-started donation from the Duchess of Rutland. The art workshop took place in May 2012, and thanks to extensive preps by the artist in her own studio beforehand, the sculpture was literally created and installed in one day! The artist prepared all the elements beforehand: one large pole measuring over 2m60 in height, 28 sections of wood each pre-drilled with three holes (seen drying in a rack above during the art workshop in school), seashells (also pre-drilled) and other elements such as feathers from the Belvoir Estate and corks. The children were given a specific palette to work with, blue and black and red to be used only “so that it would end up as a strong, collaborative piece". Requests for more information
about delivering an art workshop / sculpture workshop in a UK
school should be sent to: ask@laurydizengremel.com