Sculptor Laury Dizengremel signs all her works with the initials ALD (for Anne-Laure Dizengremel) - click here to return to the HOME PAGE   Intro to "Sculpture Trails in English Parks" or "STEPS" Concept

Hello. You will have arrived here because I spoke to your establishment and then sent you an e-mail asking to have a look at this presentation. Or you may just be browsing through my website.

A few facts:

Your / an established park is already a "big draw".

Stand-alone sculpture parks and sculpture trails all over the world are a "big draw".  

Just a few examples of these in the South East of England: Sculpture at Goodwood  (West Sussex), Hannah Peschar Sculpture Gardens (Surrey),  Pride of the Valley Sculpture Park (Surrey), and in the Midlands the famous Yorkshire Sculpture Park .
y Sculpture Society).
In Surrey, Polesden Lacey (which is a National Trust venue) hosts an annual exhibition of outdoor sculpture.

When you combine a beautiful setting with art - you have an unbeatable combination!

If your park is a National trust property, you cannot  add permanent sculptures to it, only temporary ones. If you are not a National Trust property, you can add permanent sculptures to your offering.

Either way, whether permanent or temporary, high quality large to medium scale outdoor sculptures located in your park will represent a means of attracting more visitors (especially repeat ones), a means of offering more to visitors and to the local community, plus of significantly enriching the cultural map of England. 

It would be a case of "big draw doubled".

As a professional sculptor with public works in England, Ireland, the USA and many other countries around the world, I have specialized not only in creating public sculptures but in being a "sculpture park consultant". So far, consultancy has mainly included work for Chinese sculpture parks such as the World Sculpture Park of Changchun in Jilin Province and the Kunming Sculpture Festival of Daguan Park in Yunnan Province. Whilst I have also personally contributed artwork to sculpture parks in France, Vietnam, Honduras and in England, I now turn my attention to England's parks "scene" with an offer of consultancy services.

Initially I offer you a discussion, free of charge and on a confidential basis to investigate whether the establishment of a  temporary or permanent collection of sculptures by a number of different sculptors, as a one-off seasonal event or a repeat, annual event, is something which your park could benefit from to increase visitor interest and thus footfall.

In addition to sculptures - I can also detail for you an attenant programme for focused visitor activities, from lectures by artists on creating site-specific artwork for your venue, to being offered the opportunity to watch professional sculptors create their work, to unveiling of a new collection or trail, to fun-filled, exciting sculpture workshops tailored to whole families (young and old) using local, sustainable materials and more!

And if your park is allowed to permanent-type works, there is also the potential sales revenue of such artworks to the public.

See also:
Belvoir Artist-in-Residence.

Also see Musings on Sustainable Sculpture Design.

or back to Sculpture Park and Sculpture Trail Designer & Consultant.

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Send comments, requests for purchase or commission to:

Or call any of the following agents:

UK Contact: c/o Agent - Philip Wicks
Tel: +44 (0) 7958 412307
Studio Tel UK +44 (0) 7725 555048
France Contact: +33 (0) 618435125
USA Contacts: c/o Agent - Ian Krieger: Dunedin, Florida, USA
Tel: +1 (727) 733-9575
c/o Agent - Carla Schade: Seeley Lake, Montana, USA
Tel: +1 (406) 677-0642

Canada Contact: c/o Agent - Maguite Wilkens: Ontario
Tel: (416) 826 1072

Find me on instagram username laurydizengremel Find me on Facebook username sculptureretreat

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Copyright © 1998 - 2020 Laury Dizengremel. All rights reserved.
Website designed and maintained by the artist.